Friday, 30 September 2011


salam n greeting everyones

suppose i`ll being happy for today
yes..allah know everything. His the greatest one.
we only as human being cannot very confident in predicting what will be happen even in your second

and a good friend come and gave me something when i was asking her
"cry its not a crime right? may i crying for this thing?"

in a few seconds she gave me this

thanx muchio elleyza ahmad
even you are hundreds miles far from me

congrats again for your convocation on 6th of October 2011
definitely i`ll not be there to see you hold the scroll
Bachelor of Environment Engineering (hons)
Universiti Malaya

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


salam and greeting for anyone who read this blog

as usual, i still live at Sintok Tropical Forest ,
the places that only left around 4 months for me

the sky still raining since this evening
even right now 02:23am
the tears from sky still keep reach the sintok`s land
cold but i love rainy day !!

so..the topic..the topic??

this is tag from one of my buddy since my secondary school
its from isnadia ismail shah
actually most of them answering at Facebook but
i think i got something to share here
i think i got long explanation for each question too ;)
i think i got bla..bla..bla
by the way, nad..are reading my blog?
if yes, please click the followers button there*joke!*

the tag is

WHEN I WAS _____________________________,

I WANTED TO BE__________________________

MY BEST-FRIEND IS________________________

MY BIGGEST FEAR IS ______________________

so, this is my super-duper honest respond for each blank space above there
owh, she asked me bout my life at 13 years old
at the end of 2011 i will turn to 23 years old
its 10 years back punya cerita..
but, eheeemmm doesn't mean i already old ya!!

when i was 13,

I WANTED TO BE as independent girl. That time i just enter into the hostel which located at Klang. Maybe it sound a bit cliche but that the goals i was looking for. the result i can say so-so. why? because certain thing i still can handle by my-self but certain thing i need to asked my ibu hand to help especially in washing my clothes. ha ha i know who read this entry will say eewwwwwww~~~pemalas sungguh ivana ni but i trying to telling the truth. normally on Friday my dad will come and taking the clothes.

MY BEST-FRIEND is my hostel-school-mate-STARIAN which super duper awesome craziness in the Klang Town. Anyway, even we are craziness but proud to say we are from Arabic class...Arab class taw!! come let me name it, sorry if any-incorrect name ya...this is ten years back story. this people is

1-Aswa Nurul Ain Abu Shairi
2-Hairunisa Najla Khairuddin
3-Nur Hazwani Zanuddin
4-Nurul Hazwani Zainuddin
5-Nor Azira Shafii
6-Fadzilah Mokhtar
7-Nur Isnadia Ismail Shah

I think i still missing a few names :(. my bad anyway. besides that i`m close with cik fatin `amirah azmi and elleyza ahmad too...

MY BIGGEST FEAR is senior. yes its s.e.n.i.or. senior = dorm meeting = mengerikan. Frankly to said until right now i`m fobia with the senior. And honestly to said i do not like this senior junior system. for my opinion, the junior should respect the seniors rather than they are choose being scared with the seniors. other than that, its doesn't means the senior can do anything towards the junior. let say the senior hang their clothes at my place, sorry to say, i will return back to their places. who`s care. that space was belong to me and you got your space too kan? kan?  i still remember this conversation.

senior xx : awak rasa apa bila kak xx marah awak?
ivana : i accept it as teguran. so, its showing that kakak sayang and take care towards the junior.

senior xx : owh, kalau macam tu, macam mana plak dengan kakak xxx, dia kan x pernah marah orang. maksud nya dia tak kisah la eh terhadap korang semua?? tak sayang kat korang??
ivana : errrrrrr ( better to keep your mouth shut, but in my heart i was like what the fooooo is this ??)

its does not mean all the bad thing. they are also who teach me how to survive, how to adapt new thing, how to that, how to do this. thank much for teaching me about hostel life!!

but..but..i still respect a few senior such Kak Nurul Ain Jani. she`s good and humble too. :) and my nick name of i-vane is her idea! sis nana is her best-buddy. she`s kind person too. both of them are helping me on orientation week... thank you..thank you... :) both of them are top-scorer and comeellss too >_<" both of them too already being a teachers.., one will bride-to-be and one will be mommy-to-be...congrats!!

Sis Lina Farhana also one of best sister i had in the hostel. kak Lina, still remember we playing hide and seek with heidy and makcik guard yang hak ada gigi emas tuu?? HA HA

so, that was enough kan? kan?

p/s : yes, i want to write about our starian-craziness. already got the idea!!

p/s/s : sis nana, if you read this entry, sila-lah maafkan segala kesalahan tatabahasa di atas ya T_T" i know you are good english teacher and i`m bad English student...

p/s/s/s : i really want to enhance my English in no matter what. even its bad, at least i`m trying.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Friday, 23 September 2011

NOVELS IS MY ........

salam and morning guys out there

actually i`m planning to go out for jogging. but around 7am, i received a massages from my friend she need to do something else and the jogging planning need to be cancelled.

so, while doing nothing (like no assigment to do -,-") i`m start to arrange back all the pictures that being taken since the previous semester break.

this pictures was taken when i`m make some new decoration to my room sweet room at kapar. and i just realize.. ohhhmaagooodddd my novels already achieved the maximum units. i think it already more than 100 novels..that one is excluding the magazine T_T"

ivana and her mother conversation
ibu   : tak payah lah beli lagi novel-novel. duit tu buat beli benda yang wajib ja.
ivana: ala bu, beli untuk mengisi masa lapang. anyway, akak balance kan apa dengan buku-buku ilmiah. akak tak pernah beli tau any photostat book since i was in semester 1 until semester 7

ibu    : kamu beli majalah-majalah tu semua, kamu baca sampai habis ker?
ivana : baca..baca dari kulit ke kulit. (ok, sebenarnya aku selalu baca bila after 1 months or bila xda kerja ja)

ivana : bu, nak beli rak buku. bukan pa, akak da nak abis belajar, buku kat uum tu macam da bertimbun. baik    beli sekarang kan rak buku tu. preparation..preparation.... lagipun kan bu, almari tu da tak muat lah nak bubuh  semua novel-novel tu..pleaseeee

ibu    : jom pergi kedai seng soo (ni memang hak kedai fav ibu sebab the price are affortable) . tapi sebelum tu nak pergi bank dulu, kamu keluarkan lah duit kamu ya beli rak tu...

ivana : i thought will use your money

ibu    : hai...beli novel kan ada duit, majalah pun ada duit..rak pun mesti lah into one package

ivana : baeeeeekkkkkk

i do not have any pictures of my book-shelf. this pictures i got it from encik google. but, its seems like mine

and this is the books at uum but i already pack into the box

but last not least,

ivana : ibu, nanti kalau akk balik uum, make sure tak dak sapa boleh amik novel-novel akak yer. pastu lets say they want to borrow to read, jangan bagi depa lipat-lipat muka surat taw.  senang cerita, ibu make sure my door always close ehh. jangan bagi orang masuk...

**tu dia, punye kedekutttt!

Thursday, 22 September 2011


salam everyone

hari ini insyaAllah berjaya puasa'
yup, baru nak start puasa enam
itu pun kalau di izinkanNya untuk mencapai visi 6 itu

bila da start duduk sorang-sorang ni
memang lah akal selalu melangkau batas

boleh lah pulak teringin nak makan ayam penyet
aduiii...hang ni cik ivana ooiiiii
jam tu da menunjukkan pukul 7:09pm
tak taw plak nak cari kat mana makanan yang ada unsur jawa itu

so, tak dapat makan tapi dapat flashback balik pun jadi lah ke tempat yang aku pi makan tu eh? aku lupa
tapi gambar dari handphone murah ini memang ada lagi

first makan masa bulan puasa lepas
sebab masa tu memang kalut nak cari tempat berbuka
adik lah yang cadangkan..
not so bad.. its yummy!!

aku punya
 daging dendel penyet

adik order menu ni
lele penyet

walaupun masakan jawa, air tetap nak yang updated jer...ok..


ni lah hasilkan, licin abis empat-empat bekas..hak yang tinggal sambal ja... >_<"

p/s    : baru dua minggu, tapi aku memang rasa nak terbang balik ke klang gak sekarang. tq
p/s/s : harini buka dengan oat + kueh raya ja sebab malas nak pergi cafe waktu orang tengah sesak

Tuesday, 20 September 2011



its just second weeks of academic + learning operation at Sintok`s Tropical Forest (nama nak hebat ja! ) . So, instead of that, i`m really active walking around in the net like do not have any task to do.

owh, really active while the academic taskssssss already waiting for my action T_T". lazy, lazy please go away. Google..searching

i found this "ada apa disebalik nama anda" try your own.. here caring is sharing ;D

the result is

p/s : any comment?? ha.ha i know i`m not good as what the definition above. but, who know`s one day kan?



this is my dua for you,

"hopefully you arrived there with good condition. don't forget all your vitamin protector. may ALLAH blessed you. and remember this ~there is no medicine like hope, and there is no tonic so powerful as expectation from ALLAH swt for a better tomorrow #islam.~

p/s    : i`m waiting the news. i really mean it. TQ

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Mendaki Puncak Vista, Sintok

18 September 2011

7 Missed calls
4 Messages received

aku ingat handphone roommate baru yang bergegar-gegar
baru ja mau kasi sounds pedas2
sekali tue
rupanya handphone sendiri
rasa nak hempuk je hp tu!

dengan mata y sepet y bertambah sepet, aku baca msg tu
"wei..wake up!" "jadi tak ni?" "hang tido lagi ka?" "wei..aku da mandi"
and i was like, you really stole my Saturday happiness la wanie!

after a few seconds i was like,
yes, our plan to Puncak Vista
need to climb on the hill in  no matter what

dengan harapan yang bersemangat waja
we did it!!

exclusive review
 for those miss the scenery of puncak vista

the viewed of puncak vista

ehemmm.....waiting for changed at the end of 7th semester

p/s " sila doakan saya kurus..aminnnnn

updated : skang da masuk semester 8, tapi macam tak da perubahan ja

Saturday, 17 September 2011


today i`m officially done re-pack all my clothes at UUM.
yes, i think i need a lorry at the end of semester ;'(
yes, LORRY...
and guess how many baju kurung i have owned...


okayh, its too over the top if more than 50 kan? kan?
its nearest 40..yes forty pieces of baju kurung

no wonder lah i had this conversation with my ibu

ibu      : no need to buy any kain baju kurung after this
me      : why??
ibu      : its more than enough.
me      : mana da. tapi akak beli kain yang murah taw.
ibu      : abis tu, yang buat banyak-banyak tu bukan pakai sangat pun
me      : alaaa, tak kan nak pakai baju sama kot. at least akak beli yang murah2 ja.
ibu      : kamu tu still belajar, tak dak pendapatan lagi.
me      : *dalam hati* (ok..ok...sebab aku tau kalau part membeli baju kurung, memang duit ibu yang keluar)

p/s    : persoalan-nya sekarang kenyataan ibu itu memang benar-benar belaka.

p/s/s : persoalan-nya yang kedua sekarang memang sedang memikir cara terbaekk tuk menghantar baju kurung yang da terlebih-lebih-lebih memandang kan sudah berada di semester akhir ;"((

p/s/s : persoalan-nya yang ketiga, itu baru baju kurung belum t-shirt, seluar, buku yang tidak terkira, iron, kettle, fail-fail, beg, kamus sebanyak 3 buah dan bla..bla.bla...

p/s/s/s: niat tuk beli teddy bear baru-yang-besar memang wajib di padamkan kerana memikirkan kesan di masa hadapan ;(. ini sedih!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Mengelongkar Barang Purba

Alhamdullillah, thanx Allah
It’s being half month of Syawal
How was there? Great? Amazing? Tired?
gaining weight?? whattt? its normal what.. he he he
So, on Ramadhan 
 i and my brother decided to make some decoration for our rooms
Not really into 100% decoration but it`s seem to be like that
The colours, the furniture arrangement, and bla...bla...bla...
While in progressing I found such a good stuffs
The stuffs that make me recover back all the past memories
Want to see? Want to see?
*kalau tak mau, boleh ja choose X kat atas tue ;D*

Chelsea vs Harimau Malaya on Kuala Lumpur

2010 birthday celebratiofor my birthday, thanx for my cik am for this lovely cake ;Dn, still kept the paper bag and cake box from secret recipe. First time i got the expensive cake

My nyawa while struggled my 6th semester final exam but the results still so-so.
*hampa dengan diri sendiri*

Cute teddy from my ex-roommate, Lisa ;D three years we stay as roommate kan? Sorry for my craziness behave.

A present and card from my Javanese member.
*we can gossip in bahasa jawa without worried*

*given by ms. Idayu Othman on 2nd semster if not mistake
that time we are not close, but i got something from her. thank you, ayu!

ayu : hang memang pakai kan selipar ni kat bilik
aku : a`ah..awat?
ayu : hang amik je lah...
aku : really?? thanx anyway

*2010- Nad, hang ingat lagi tak paper beg ni? Aku rasa ni paling bersejarah dalam hidup hang kat bas stesyen Melaka tu kot*

Anyone still kept this buku panduan pendaftaran? now, i`m strunggling for my forth year
*most of my friends already doing their industrial training *jealous*

On our enrolment day in UUM 2008 newspaper,
*rasa macam baru jak nangis-nangis sebab family da kena balik rumah*

Name tag during form six lives. I had a unique position right?? I know what you thinking there.

2007 Accounting tuition books that still in good condition. My hand writing is better compare now days.

I can’t remember who gave us the choclairs, but i really appreciated. Yes, that was my accounting question during tuition time ;D
*siap dok staple kat pass-year question.LOL!*

And the most priceless stuff
Its UPSR 2000 daily routines were prepared by my ibu. Yes, its really help me a lot!
*4A-1B results, tepuk tangan akan kejayaan zaman budak-budak hingusan*

p/s : kesimpulannya adalah......... 

Monday, 12 September 2011

++ 13 september 2011++

today is 12 sept 2011

tomorrow insyaAllah gonna be 13 Sept 2011

its the day


i`m not prepared yet

yes, not prepared even 50%


i really appreciate if people out there wanna pray and doa for my success

because i really really really need it

** wish me luck ya ;) kat atas ni kuih raya bagi sesiapa yang doakan saya..boleh??

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Sunday, 4 September 2011

++ perbualan di pagi hari ahad ++

si ibu : jom pergi pasar, semalam kata nak masak mee kari
si anak : ok, tunggu sat, nak kasi settle dulu jadual kuliah tuk sem depan

selepas 10minit

si ibu : lah..buruknya baju kamu
si anak : nak pergi pasar je kot bu...
si ibu : asyik pakai baju tu jer...

**adoii si ibu, kalau si ibu nampak mcm mana si anak perpakaian kat UUM confirm lagi terkejut sebab rasanya kat di UUM pakaian si anak lagi selekeh kot..nak buat macamana baju tu da memang sedap di pakai...hehehehe

Saturday, 3 September 2011

++ i *heart* this picture ++

p/s : thank you very much to my cousin for this awesome picture ;)

Friday, 2 September 2011

++sesi menguji minda++

new semester gonna be only a few days more
as a preparation why not all of you trying to read the next sentences
good luck!

"7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C34R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15. R3 P057 1F U C4N R35D 7H15..."

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