salam and greeting for anyone who read this blog
as usual, i still live at Sintok Tropical Forest ,
the places that only left around 4 months for me
the sky still raining since this evening
even right now 02:23am
the tears from sky still keep reach the sintok`s land
cold but i love rainy day !!
so..the topic..the topic??
this is tag from one of my buddy since my secondary school
its from isnadia ismail shah
actually most of them answering at Facebook but
i think i got something to share here
i think i got long explanation for each question too ;)
i think i got bla..bla..bla
by the way, nad..are reading my blog?
if yes, please click the followers button there*joke!*
the tag is
WHEN I WAS _____________________________,
I WANTED TO BE__________________________
MY BEST-FRIEND IS________________________
MY BIGGEST FEAR IS ______________________
so, this is my super-duper honest respond for each blank space above there
owh, she asked me bout my life at 13 years old
at the end of 2011 i will turn to 23 years old
its 10 years back punya cerita..
but, eheeemmm doesn't mean i already old ya!!
when i was 13,
I WANTED TO BE as independent girl. That time i just enter into the hostel which located at Klang. Maybe it sound a bit cliche but that the goals i was looking for. the result i can say so-so. why? because certain thing i still can handle by my-self but certain thing i need to asked my ibu hand to help especially in washing my clothes. ha ha i know who read this entry will say eewwwwwww~~~pemalas sungguh ivana ni but i trying to telling the truth. normally on Friday my dad will come and taking the clothes.
MY BEST-FRIEND is my hostel-school-mate-STARIAN which super duper awesome craziness in the Klang Town. Anyway, even we are craziness but proud to say we are from Arabic class...Arab class taw!! come let me name it, sorry if any-incorrect name ya...this is ten years back story. this people is
1-Aswa Nurul Ain Abu Shairi
2-Hairunisa Najla Khairuddin
3-Nur Hazwani Zanuddin
4-Nurul Hazwani Zainuddin
5-Nor Azira Shafii
6-Fadzilah Mokhtar
7-Nur Isnadia Ismail Shah
I think i still missing a few names :(. my bad anyway. besides that i`m close with cik fatin `amirah azmi and elleyza ahmad too...
MY BIGGEST FEAR is senior. yes its s.e.n.i.or. senior = dorm meeting = mengerikan. Frankly to said until right now i`m fobia with the senior. And honestly to said i do not like this senior junior system. for my opinion, the junior should respect the seniors rather than they are choose being scared with the seniors. other than that, its doesn't means the senior can do anything towards the junior. let say the senior hang their clothes at my place, sorry to say, i will return back to their places. who`s care. that space was belong to me and you got your space too kan? kan? i still remember this conversation.
senior xx : awak rasa apa bila kak xx marah awak?
ivana : i accept it as teguran. so, its showing that kakak sayang and take care towards the junior.
senior xx : owh, kalau macam tu, macam mana plak dengan kakak xxx, dia kan x pernah marah orang. maksud nya dia tak kisah la eh terhadap korang semua?? tak sayang kat korang??
ivana : errrrrrr ( better to keep your mouth shut, but in my heart i was like what the fooooo is this ??)
its does not mean all the bad thing. they are also who teach me how to survive, how to adapt new thing, how to that, how to do this. thank much for teaching me about hostel life!!
but..but..i still respect a few senior such Kak Nurul Ain Jani. she`s good and humble too. :) and my nick name of i-vane is her idea! sis nana is her best-buddy. she`s kind person too. both of them are helping me on orientation week... thank you..thank you... :) both of them are top-scorer and comeellss too >_<" both of them too already being a teachers.., one will bride-to-be and one will be mommy-to-be...congrats!!
Sis Lina Farhana also one of best sister i had in the hostel. kak Lina, still remember we playing hide and seek with heidy and makcik guard yang hak ada gigi emas tuu?? HA HA
so, that was enough kan? kan?
p/s : yes, i want to write about our starian-craziness. already got the idea!!
p/s/s : sis nana, if you read this entry, sila-lah maafkan segala kesalahan tatabahasa di atas ya T_T" i know you are good english teacher and i`m bad English student...
p/s/s/s : i really want to enhance my English in no matter what. even its bad, at least i`m trying.