Wednesday 5 December 2012

Ivana's Words of Wednesday

Assalamualaikum wbt 

that day, as my daily routine,
 i do my blog-walking from one blog to another blog
then, i met this wonderful entry by Naz,
you can check here

as usually, i love to dropped a comment if the topic are related to me
here the comment

and, this is her answer

Betul kata Naz, 
Allah may not answer our question, but it doesn't mean that I need to stop praying
Mungkin juga, Allah sudah bagi petunjuk, tapi kita sendiri yang tak sedar akan petunjuk itu

No, i would not stop praying for that.
maybe until i got the best answer, which is the best for me and my future

if you read this, i really meant it
you always in my Dua' 



  1. so true yunk...apa yg naz tu bgtw ..
    Allah tak bg jawapan tapi dye bg kita AKAL ;)

  2. betul juga apa naz tu cakap.... doa bukan untuk sehari dua memohon, tapi selama kita hidup, kita ni kan hambaNYA. insyaallah.. Doa juga takkan jadi kalau tanpa usaha! Solat Hajat dan Istikharah juga penting... dan mungkin allah itu menguji kita melihatkan kita adalah seorang yang sangat tabah. ;)


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