Wednesday, 27 June 2012

ivana equally to bowling. #True Fact

nothing much to write here
just a part of me

the battleship begin
equally starting 

anyway, my name is ivana 

please do not really close to me 
so, put more effort
focus 100%
rising the energy to win the battleship

what you expect from me?
lose or win or still remain the same

here we go baby!

can you see that?
how proud i am

forget to mentioned here
here, the participants

*motif berbangga??*
 *sebab never have the highest score like that*

for those who read this entry,
meh lah kita ber-bowling-bowlingan

have a nice day 

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

i'm sad, and cry is one of best treatment

ya Allah
I'm really sad

why the words so harst for me ?
know you just make a stupidity joke with the fellow colleague
but, have you think about the others feelings?
have you think about "what will be happen if YOU/ your family/ gf / bff in my shoes"?
have you think of it?

definitely NO!!

the story keep playing in my mind
the story keep being sharing with the others
the story make me cried
the story make my respect to you down to my foot
the story make me feeling down to come to office

i know myself very well
i know i'm big type of girl

i remember one thing
i have Allah
He knows everything

hey you,
if you read this, 
i need to tell you something

i never cry about this since i'm kids
you know why?
because no ever one of my friend talking to me like that in front of me
i do not mind if they keep talking/ gossiping about my figure with my absence 

but please do not let me know
but please do not let me see, the others keep laughing on me
but please do not let the others make my figure as the contents of the stupidity joke

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

ivana, what happen to you in next 20 years?

hello there
i got nothing urgent to do in the night
so, i put some effort to predict my future life

ha ha ha
effort la sangat kan...
let me show something here

you can have a try too
just click on this


*nanti kalau da tua, tak da makna nak belit-belit shawl tu..*

Thursday, 14 June 2012


selamat-selamat semua
i wanna make some entry about myself.
ha'ah, blog ni pun memang tuk si empunya syok sendiri kan
bha bha ha ha
come join with me and make a same entry as shown here

4 names that friend call you

mostly my friend at primary school + college + during my internship
my secondary school + hostel-mate
got a few close friend called me with vana
family + colleague during part time work + students + him

4 most important date in your life

30 december 1988  
hari lahir ke dunia, wajib kena ingat sebab nak potong kek setiap tahun
24 june 1961
hari jadi si ibu, ingat tapi sangat jarang bagi hadiah
20 april 2012
my baby arrived home sweet home !!
30 September 1987

4 things you have done in last 30mins

eat my nasi lemak
sending email to cik faten amira regarding the document for our transcript
make a view my work on basic accounting theory
check my phone for EURO 2012 result

4 ways to be happy

meet with friend and gossip time
smiling to everyone
do the responsibility to Allah :D

4 gifts you would like to give

my novel collection
picture's frame
anything that being always used such as a cup, watch, keychain
my heart

4 favourite hobby

reading novel
social network ( YM, facebook, twitter, bloggers )
washing my baby at least once in a week
shopping and preferred alone :)

4 place your want to go for vacation

Karambunai, Sabah
The Three Sister Blue Mountain
Bali, Indonesia
Makkah & Madinah

4 things always found in your bag

red camera
red handphone
lip ice, eye liner, blusher etc

4 things you love so much

my family
my references book
my novel
my baby 

4 things "special" for you

my baby BLR 1988 because i can drive him with my own deposit, bought the registration number which same which the year of my birthday
the-one-who-over-there because your journey make me more motivated, the one sometimes __________
my big family who always make me laugh+fighting all the time
my friend who make my life more colourful 

that it!
have a good day

Monday, 11 June 2012

aktiviti wajib pabila cuti sekolah


aku tak pandai lah nak mukadimah. selalu memang aci redah ja kalau nak tulis entry
lagi syok kalau menaip tu gaya cam buat assignment  dengan bunyi keyboard tap tap tap tap
gigih kan aku buat "assignment" ni

ok lah, ni nak story pasal activiti cuti sekolah
aku taw yang aku memang da lama tak layak bercuti sekolah, last cuti sekolah pun tahun 2007
tapi aku still ada sepupu sepapat yang bersekolah
maka, aku implement sekali lah cuti itu dalam jadual aku

so, di sebabkan aku da kena masuk office, maka kena rancang lah semua tu kan
lagi-lagi bila nak mintak cuti
meh, ni cara aku approach makcik-makcik aku tuk pi jalan

 cik, cuti sekolah ni tak pergi mana-mana ker? kesian budak-budak tu kalau duk rumah je
 nak pergi mana yer?
ala, pi mana-mana je. kita pergi weekdays lah, orang tak ramai
 yer lah, tapi nak pergi mana?
sekarang kat panas, jom lah kita pergi mandi sungai. kita pergi hari rabu eh, nanti along apply cuti awal-awal.
ok lah, nanti acik apply cuti gak

haaaaa..nampak tak perbualan di atas?
soalan bonus : siapa sebenarnya nak pergi bercuti ni? 
si budak praktikal atau si budak sekolah?
over kan aku..
bha ha ha haha

welcome to sungai congkak everyone

banyak pokok. itu yang paling aku suka sebab tak panas plus kulit tak hangus
he he he

OMG! masih terdengar bunyi air tu..
ya tuhan, aku sangat amazed dengan ciptaan-Mu ini
air mengalir tanpa henti

gigih tak?kitaorg siap bawak khemah sekali tuk driver tidur di kala kitaorang main air yang sejuk gila

masa untuk beransur pulang, maka nya setiap dari kami ada tugasan masing-masing

*aktiviti wajib*
kalau mandi laut, memang confirm hitam legam semua


kalau ikut susunan umur
memang aku la si tua bangka di kalangan sepupu
yang atas ni form 3 then darjah 5, darjah 3 and last sekali darjah 2
aku? bha ha ha ha 23 tahun
nampak tak beza yang ketara tu?
nak buat camna
selalu kalau pergi mana-mana pun, 
tentera-tentera ni juga yang teman

last but not least,

mari lah kita bercuti.

*sepec baharu*
bha ha ha

ni semua gambar dari handphone cik am sebab camera kehabisan energy
semua gambar masa nak balik sebab masa sampai ja
semua terus excited nak terjun termasuk lah budak praktikal atas ni..

next trip katanya broga hill
marilah berdoa bersama-sama agar tercapai impian murni ini

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mata Saya

mata aku ni
buat hal la plak hari ini

asal mata aku ngantuk semacam ni
nak buat kerja pun cam hampeh je
rasa blur..blur ja
rasa nak tiduq ja ni

office-mate plak ramai pi bercuti
pi umrah, pi bercuti dengan family
kakak yang selalu layan gossip ngan aku pun pi bercuti

sekarang, cerita kat aku
sapa nak teman aku buat kerja office ni?
boss, nak mintak off-day boleh?


updated :
amik dompet,
 keluarkan duit sehinggit
keluar office,
 masuk lif
tekan button level "0"
masukkan duit kat mesin
maka keluarlah

Saturday, 2 June 2012

lunch at Meatworks

hai encik Sabtu
berjumpa kita lagi

semalam hari jumaat
gembira lah kann da hari akhir kerja
sebab sabtu ahad cuti 

kalau jumaat tempat kitaorg rehat
12:30 - 1430
2jam punya rehat, harus lah double happy kan...
maka waktu rehat tu panjang lah sikit
maka kaki pun panjang lah melangkah
majority nak pi lunch kat luar sebab masing-masing da tension dengan kerja office
bak kata orang, da muak nak menghadap kerja tu

kitaorang gerak lah pergi CittaMall
da sampai tu
semua blur tak taw nak makan apa
last-last, kitaorg pi makan kat Meatwork

pernah dengar tak meatwork tu?
meh sini, 
semalam sempat snap gambar
baru dua kali makan kat sini

tak pun boleh je terjah website meatworks tu sendiri
boleh click sini

four of us choose this meal

its mine

macam history sebab makan tak habis
tak "in" la dengan selera aku
nasib baik ada kawan yang tolong habiskan

ayat masa nak balik 
"sejarah la hari ni. pernah ke kau tengok aku makan tak habis??"

so, since aku tak berapa "in" dengan meal tu
harus lah sedikit kecewa 

tapi bagi those yg minat western + asian food,
boleh la try pi sana

have a nice weekend!

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